
A collection wp-cli commands used at the CFPB.

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CFPB WP CLI Commands

One or more custom commands we use a bunch at CFPB to manage our site.


Install this as a plugin to your WordPress site. Then, if you have WP-CLI installed, you'll have access to the commands below.


WordPress 3.7 or higher running on PHP 5.3 or higher.


Just two for now:

Taxonomy Migration

Migrate taxonomies like this:

wp migrate taxonomy <from> <to>

It takes the following optional argument:

  • --post_type a comma separated list of all post types to migrate
  • --exclude a comma separated list of any post id to exclude
  • --after a date string formatted like 2013-01-31 will only run the command on posts newer than January 31, 2013
  • --before opposite of after
  • --term a comma separated list of specific terms to migrate (currently unimplemented)

The command will loop through each post and create new taxonomy-term relationships for each on the target taxonomy. If post 'foo' had tags 'bar' and 'baz' it will now have groups 'bar' and 'baz' as well


wp migrate taxonomy tag group will migrate taxonomy-term relationships for tags on all posts in the WordPress database to a taxonomy called group wp migrate taxonomy tag group --post_type=post will migrate the tags on only posts and exclude all other taxonomies with tags wp migrate taxonomy tag group --exclude=1,2,3,5,8 will exclude posts 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 from the migration.

Author Migration

Migrate authors like this:

wp migrate author

By default it will attempt to migrate all native authors to a taxonomy called "author" failing that it will save the author in custom fields. Pass the type argument to specify a different taxonomy in which to save authors.

It takes the following optional arguments:

  • type the name of a custom taxonomy to migrate authors to (default: author)
  • --include a comma separated list of any post id to include (will exclude all others, default: all)
  • --exclude a comma separated list of any post id to exclude (default: none)
  • --post_type the name of the post type to target (default: post)
  • --authors a comma separated list of authors to migrate, will exclude all others
  • --before a date string formatted like 2013-01-31 will only run the command on posts older than January 31, 2013
  • --after opposite of before
  • --ignore_term a list of taxonomy terms to ignore. The first item in this comma separated list should be the taxonomy and all following should be the terms


wp migrate author will migrate all native authors (read: users) on posts to a taxonomy called "author" or a custom field if that taxonomy does not exist wp migrate author post_tag will migrate all authors on posts to tags wp migrate author --post_type=custom will migrate all authors on post objects of the post type custom wp migrate author --post_type=custom --ignore_term=category,featured,sticky will migrate authors on all posts in the "custom" post type that do not have categories featured or sticky


Allows you to assign random taxonomy terms to a post or set of posts.

Usage: wp randomize taxonomy category

By default all objects of the 'post' post type will be randomized, use the --post_type flag to target pages or a custom post type. Use the --include and --exclude flags to filter or ignore specific object IDs and the --before and --after flags to specify a date range. Also, optionally pass --terms as a list of terms you want to use for the randomization. Failing that, if terms exist in the target taxonomy, those terms will be used. If not, a string of 6 words generated randomly will be used for the randomization.