Govcode - Government Open Source Projects

What is this?

Govcode is an application that lists government open source projects. The purpose is to track what is being worked on and build analytics on top of it.

How do I run it?

  1. Clone this repo or a fork of it

    git clone
    cd collab
  2. Make sure you have pip and virtualenv installed:

  3. Edit the config settings locally to match your environment. You can find them at /config/

  4. Create the database tables:

    python ./ shell
    >>> from extensions import db
    >>> db.create_all()
  5. Run the Flask server:

    python ./ runserver
  6. Go to http://localhost:5000 in your browser.

How to import the data?

At this point your database should be empty. To actually import the packages you need to run the import script.

  1. First you need to get a Github:

    Go to, create a token with public_repo access and copy the token.

  2. Store the token in an environment variable:

    export GH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. Run the import script:
