h1. Overview Example for the Karaf Tutorial part 1 that implements a very small application to manage a list of tasks or to dos. It shows how to: - Create bundles using maven and the maven bundle plugin - Wire bundles using blueprint and OSGi services - Use the whiteboard pattern and the pax-web whiteboard extender to publish Servlets h1. Structure tasklist-model - Service interface and model classes shared between persistence and ui tasklist-persistence - Simple persistence implementation using an OSGi service and a in memory map tasklist-ui - Simple servlet based UI that connects to the persistence layer using an OSGi service reference and that offers the Servlet as an OSGi service for the pax web whiteboard extender to pickup and publish h1. Build mvn clean install h1. Installation On karaf 2.x features:addurl mvn:net.lr.tasklist/tasklist-features/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml features:install example-tasklist On karaf 3 and 4 feature:repo-add mvn:net.lr.tasklist/tasklist-features/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/xml feature:install example-tasklist
Alter some pom.xml and feature.xml to test karaf bundle and feature configurations.