
This repo consists of different components built using Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageAstroMIT LicenseMIT

Astro Theme Cactus logo

šŸš€ Tailwind CSS C omponents šŸŒµ

Demo šŸ’»

Check out the Demo, hosted on Netlify


Replace pnpm with your choice of npm / yarn

Command Action
pnpm install Installs dependencies
pnpm dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
pnpm build Build your production site to ./dist/
pnpm preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm sync Generate types based on your config in src/content/config.ts


  • Edit the config file src/site.config.ts for basic site meta data
  • Update file astro.config.ts site property with your own domain
  • Replace & update files within the /public folder:
    • favicon.ico & other social icons
    • robots.txt - update the Sitemap url to your own domain
    • manifest.webmanifest
  • Modify file src/styles/global.css with your own light and dark styles
  • Create / edit posts for your blog within src/content/post/ with .md/mdx file(s). See below for more details.
  • Optional:
    • Fonts: This theme sets the body element to the font family font-mono, located in the global css file src/styles/global.css. You can change fonts by removing the variant font-mono, after which TailwindCSS will default to the font-sans font family stack.


This theme is inspired by Hexo Theme Cactus


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright Ā© 2023