
Django ~1.11+ project template layout, biased for django-cms. Originally based on lincolnloop/django-layout

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

{% comment %}

Django Layout

django-layout provides sane defaults for new Django projects based on http://www.revsys.com/blog/2014/nov/21/recommended-django-project-layout/ (more and more) and (initial version) established best practices <http://lincolnloop.com/django-best-practices/>__.

To use django-layout run the following command::

 django-admin.py startproject --template=https://github.com/benzkji/django-layout/zipball/master --extension=py,rst,md,rsh,txt,js,json,gitignore,conf your_project_name

Things to adapt right after:

  • chmod u+x manage.py run-local.sh
  • check db settings
  • check fabfile deployment settings
  • check nginx site config: server_listen port
  • if your project name is not equal to your system user, like /home/project_name/... does not work, further adapt nginx site config

When making changes to this repository, make sure at least to check the following:

  • startproject with above command line
  • manage.py check, manage.py migrate, ./run-local.sh and open the /admin
  • fab bootstrap and fab deploy still work
  • gunicorn/nginx configs and scripts still work

.. note:: The text following this comment block will become the README.rst of the new project.


{% endcomment %}

{{ project_name }}


To bootstrap the project on your machine::

cd {{ project_name }}
# check fabconf.py if env.is_python3 is true, if yes, add --python=python3
mkvirtualenv {{ project_name }} 
# without the venv-wrapper: virtualenv virtualenv {{ project_name }}
# ditto: source virtualenv/{{ project_name }}/bin/activate
# first time init of dependencies
yarn install
pip install pip-tools
# calculates and pins and installls deps
gulp pip-compile  
# not first time users, install deps
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
# django works?
manage.py check
manage.py migrate
manage.py createsuperuser
manage.py runserver

To bootstrap/deploy on remote server::

git init
git add .
git commit -a -m'initial'
git add remote origin ssh://git@yourgitprovider.com/org/{{project_name}}.git
git push --set-upstream origin master

fab bootstrap

have a look at fabfile.py


If available: run tox command, or ./manage.py test.