
a comandline tool for postgresql admin tasks

Primary LanguagePython


pgwrench is a utility for some administrative task in Postgresql databases.

At the moment it offers commands th handle primary keys with a default value provided by a sequence.


The following is the output of pgwrench when run with "--help":

Usage: usage: pgwrench.py [options] command

primarykey sequences

  The commands in this section are used on sequences which are set as the
  default value of a column in a table. This is for example the case with
  the "serial" datatype.

  pkseq find          : list all sequences where one of the following problems
                          - the max. value of the column and the current
                            value of the sequence are not the same.
                            This will propably cause foreign key violations when
                            inserting new rows into this table when the column is used as
                            primary key.
                          - the permissions on the table and sequence do not match.
                            A user might no be able to insert new rows although
                            the user has the neccessary permissions on the table.
                            The cause for this are missing permissions on the sequence
                            to fetch a new primary key.

  pkseq fix-values    : set the current value of the sequence to the
                        max. value of the table column where it is used
                        to get the default value.

  pkseq set-acl       : set the permissions of the sequence according to the
                        permissions of the table.

Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n SCHEMA, --schema=SCHEMA -t TABLE, --table=TABLE -H HOSTNAME, --host=HOSTNAME name of db host -d DBNAME, --dbname=DBNAME name of database to connect to -p PORT, --port=PORT port of the database server -U NAME, --username=NAME username to use for login on the database server -w, --no-password Do not ask for pwassword


  • python 2.5+
  • psycopg2


  • correct code indenting/formatting