
a mini bench expreriment for a task runtime scheduler

Primary LanguageGo


This repo implements a new prototype of distributed task scheduler.



Please run make check to build tools and format the code.

Simply run make to compile.

Run Test

Use make unit_test to run unit test and integrated test.

Run it


Master is set to process the requests from outside and to schedule and dispatch tasks.


Executor is the worker process to run the tasks. It receives submit tasks request from Master.


Master-Client is set to interact with master. Right now it only supports submit-job command.


the job of demo workload is devided to two parts:

  • Producer
    • Producer task produces data continously. Every record has a table-id, ddl-version and a mark indicating whether it is a ddl record or data record. Producer Task shuffles records to different Binlog task to downstream side.
    • Binlog task serves as a server to provide recorder. It is only in charge to data transferring.
  • Consumer
    • receive task receives records from a single grpc stream which connects to a Binlog task. It passes on data to Syncer Task.
    • Syncer task processes DDL record. It is supposed to wait all the other DDL with same version compeleted.
    • Sink task writes the record to a local file, and records the ending time.


Start Master

./bin/master --config ./cmd/master/example.toml

We can also start multiple masters

# start two server masters
./bin/master --config ./cmd/master/example1.toml &
./bin/master --config ./cmd/master/example2.toml &
# join a new one
./bin/master --config ./cmd/master/example3.toml &

Start Executor 1, 2

./bin/executor --config ./cmd/executor/example.toml

change the worker-addr field in toml, and start another executor.

submit a job

./bin/master-client submit-job --master-addr --config ./cmd/master-client/bench-example.toml

kill an executor

Then the tasks will be scheduled automatically.