
Using Python and OpenCV to achieve template matching and detection based on an input template and a webcam's video stream.

Primary LanguagePython


Using Python and OpenCV to achieve template matching and detection based on an input template and a webcam's video stream. I used a seperate thread for the webcam frame capture so as to improve performance. Using the LBP cascade also adds a couple extra frames per second, yet at the loss of accuracy (unless trained).


To run from command prompt, use:

FaceTemplateMatching.py <optionalArg>

while pointing to your root directory, where the optionalArg is the path to your template image. If left blank, it will default to a file named "template.png" in your root directory. If no template exists, you will be prompted to capture one.

If you provide a template file with more than one face in it, only one will be selected and checked against, and the rest will be discarded.