
The locations, cost, and time limit info for all of Chicago's pay-and-display parking meters.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chicago Parking Meters

http://stevevance.net/parkingmeters/ A map of locations, cost, and time limits for all of Chicago's pay-and-display parking meters.

Version 2

June 26, 2019

Use this URL to grab a JSON-encoded list of all pay-and-display meters operated by Chicago Parking Meters, LLC. It uses the bounding box of the City of Chicago city limits.


I used OpenRefine to read that JSON list and convert it to CSV. I opened that CSV as a "delimited-text layer" in QGIS and exported it as GeoJSON.

Version 1

Data scraped on January 14, 2014, from the "Chicago Parking Meters, LLC" website http://chicagometers.com by hitting their API with the maximum radius (8 miles), once per randomly selected coordinate within Chicago boundaries (as selected in QGIS and verified by visualizing an 8 miles buffer).

You can export the data from CartoDB, where the data is stored and retrieved by Leaflet to display on the map. http://stevevance.cartodb.com/tables/chicagoparkingmeters/public

Map design is based on OSM-Bright style template by MapBox and modified by me to emphasize bike lanes and de-emphasize highways. I also modified it to better highlight beaches and skate parks.

Uses jQuery, Leaflet, and Leaflet.MarkerCluster plugin.