All notebook material:
Browse the static content online (pre-rendered outputs) using nbviewer
You need an internet connection but you will not have to install any package locally.
The tutorials will require the following packages:
- python>=3.6
- jupyter
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- pandas-profiling
- matplotlib
- seaborn
We provide both requirements.txt
and environment.yml
to install packages.
You can install the packages using pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You can create an scikit-learn-tutorial
conda environment executing:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
and later activate the environment:
$ conda activate scikit-learn-tutorial
You might also only update your current environment using:
$ conda env update --prefix ./env --file environment.yml --prune
To synchronize the notebooks and the Python scripts (based on filestamps, only input cells content is modified in the notebooks):
$ make notebooks
To render all the notebooks (from time to time, slow to run):
$ make
This repo uses Jupytext. In some cases you
may need to use a jupytext
command directly rather than using the provided
. Here are a few useful jupytext
- pair a notebook with a Python script:
$ jupytext --set-formats python_scripts//py:percent,notebooks//ipynb notebooks/your_notebook.ipynb
- sync a paired Python script and notebook:
$ jupytext --sync notebooks/your_notebook.ipynb
- create an empty notebook from a Python script:
$ jupytext --to ../notebooks//ipynb python_scripts/