
PHP database class

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

ChristopherL Database Class

The cl_database() class endeavors to make it easy to add database support to PHP scripts for a variety of needs by abstracting query construction.

  • Supports MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server
  • Uses prepared statements to prevent SQL injection
  • Logs all queries for reference
  • Automatically applies table prefix to statements
  • Works in PHP 5.6-7.0


cl_database class supports standard database query actions with a simplified array syntax.

Connecting to server:

$db = new \ChristopherL\Database([
    'server' => 'mysql',
    'host' => '',
    'username' => 'dbuser,
    'password' => '123456,
    'database' => 'mydb',
    'port' => 3306,
    'prefix' => 'tbl_'

Querying connected server:

Selecting data:

        'my_table' => ['string_column'],
        'my_other_table' => ['string_column{my_alias}']
        'AND' => [
            'my_table' => [
                'date_column[>=]' => date('Y-m-d'),
            'my_other_table' => [
                'date_column[>=]' => date('Y-m-d')
        '[>]my_other_table' => ['fk_column', 'k_column']

Resulting query

SELECT  my_table.string_column, my_other_table.string_column AS my_alias 
FROM my_table 
	LEFT JOIN my_other_table ON (my_table.fk_column = my_other_table.k_column)  
WHERE my_table.date_column >= '2017-05-03'
	AND my_other_table.date_column >= '2017-05-03'

Inserting data:

            'number_column' => 500,
            'string_column' => 'some text',
            'boolean_column' => 1,
            'date_column' => date('Y-m-d'),
            'time_column' => date('H:i:s')

Resulting query

INSERT INTO my_table(number_column, string_column, boolean_column, date_column, time_column) 
VALUES(500, 'some text', 1, '2017-05-03', '01:49:31')

Multiple records can be inserted by including multiple column => value arrays.

Updating data:

        'string_column' => 'new value',
        'AND' => [
            'my_table' => [
                'date_column[>]' => date('Y-m-d'),
                'boolean_column[=]' => 1

Resulting query

UPDATE my_table 
SET string_column = 'new value'
WHERE my_table.date_column >= '2017-05-03' AND my_table.boolean_column = 1;

Deleting data:

        'AND' => [
            'my_table' => [
                'date_column[>]' => date('Y-m-d'),
                'boolean_column[=]' => 1

Resulting query

DELETE FROM my_table WHERE my_table.date_column >= '2017-05-03' AND my_table.boolean_column = 1;

More Complex Queries

Advanced joins, where conditions, and aggregate methods are also supported.

        'locations' => ['PkID', 'Name', 'Address', 'Address2', 'City', 'State', 'Country','Zip', 'Lat', 'Lon', 'URL', 'Phone'],
        'events' => ['LocID[count]', 'StartDate[min]']
        'AND' => [
            'locations' => [
                'Lon[!null]' => null,
                'Lat[!=]' => '',
                'Lon[!=]' => '',
                'IsActive[=]' => '1',
            'events' => [
                'LocID[>]' => '0',
                'IsActive[=]' => '1',
                'IsApproved[=]' => '1',
                'PkID[!null]' => null,
                'StartDate[>=]' => '2014-01-01',
        'GROUP' => [
            'locations' => ['PkID']
        'HAVING' => [
            'CountLocID[>]' => '0'
        'ORDER' => [
        '[>]events' => ['PkID', 'LocID']

Resulting query

SELECT hc_locations.PkID, hc_locations.Name, hc_locations.Address, hc_locations.Address2, hc_locations.City, hc_locations.State, hc_locations.Country, hc_locations.Zip, hc_locations.Lat, hc_locations.Lon, hc_locations.URL, hc_locations.Phone, COUNT(hc_events.LocID), MIN(hc_events.StartDate) 
FROM hc_locations 
	LEFT JOIN hc_events ON (hc_locations.PkID = hc_events.LocID) 
WHERE hc_locations.Lon IS NOT NULL
	AND  hc_locations.Lat != ''  
	AND  hc_locations.Lon != ''  
	AND  hc_locations.IsActive = 1  
	AND  hc_events.LocID > 0  
	AND  hc_events.IsActive = 1  
	AND  hc_events.IsApproved = 1  
	AND  hc_events.PkID IS NOT NULL  
	AND  hc_events.StartDate >= 2014-01-01  
GROUP BY hc_locations.PkID
HAVING COUNT(hc_events.LocID) > 0
ORDER BY hc_locations.Name

Additional Examples

cl_database class will shortly be used in Helios Calendar, which can be referenced for a variety of use case examples.


Thanks to Medoo for the syntax inspiration which I have mimicked (nearly identically).


cl_session is made available under the LGPL.