
automatically update a repo from a telegram channel, powered by starfiles

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


automatically update a repo from a telegram channel, powered by starfiles

it goes without saying windows is not supported. use wsl.


  1. install pyenv, configure your shell, install build dependencies, and tmux
  2. pyenv install 3.12
  3. pyenv global 3.12
  4. install docker/(podman + podman-compose)
  5. pip install -U orjson uvloop "aiohttp[speedups]" aiofiles
  6. pip install https://github.com/KurimuzonAkuma/pyrogram/archive/v2.1.21.zip --force-reinstall
  7. populate env.sample.py and move it to env.py
  8. docker-compose up -d or podman-compose up -d, adjusting docker-compose.yml as necessary
  9. uh point your reverse proxy to the port from docker-compose.yml
  10. tmux new-session -t autorepo
  11. python autorepo.py
  12. press ctrl-b, then d

don't know how to do any of this stuff? too bad! i'm expecting only people who actually know what they're doing to host stuff like this.

ps: if you're using a vps, i heavily recommend using rootless podman over docker, as it wont fuck up your firewall configuration. just adjust your minimum port number to 80 in sysctl, and enable linger (hopefully this saves you hours of time, i know i personally wasted a lot of time on it)