
SwiftTyper for credenz13

Primary LanguagePython

Running the game:

1. python init_newdb.py
2. python reg_db.py
3. python registerui.py     # and register yourself
4. python server13.pyw      # Enter the number of players ( 1 for single player )
5. python multiv12.py       # Enter your registered credcode in step 3
			    # Port number is 9001 for sigle player and 9001 to (9001+x) for x players

Note: SwiftTyper is a multiplayer game, and for playing it in multiplayer mode, all the machines running the game should be connected to a single network. One of the machine should host a server, ie it will run the server13.pyw file. All the network ports from 9001 to (9001+x), x being the number of players, should not be blocked by the firewall of machine running server13.pyw. Other clients should change the IP address specified in multiv12.py code line number 394 from to the IP address of the machine running the server13.py


python 2
python-qt4 libraries
QtSql libraries