
Launch multiple tor proxy instances, useful with crawlers which needs lots of proxies

Primary LanguagePython


Launch multiple tor proxy instances, useful with crawlers which needs lots of proxies.

Generate torrc file

In order to generate the torrc file, Python 3.6 is required. Execute python3 torrc_gen.py and answer the three questions. When the script has finished, a torrc file should be generated with the name you chose. You can use ls command to make sure the script worked.

Run tor

To run tor, just execute sh launch_tor.sh <torrc filename here> specifying the torrc filename you chose as commandline argument. If no errors was reported by tor, it should be started successfully.

Make sure tor has started

The last file, check_tor.sh simply outputs all the opened sockets by tor. You can run it using sh check_tor.sh command.


This project is not yet production ready. Feel free to open an issue if you encounter any problem.