Data Capture Technical Challenge


This is a technical challenge that involves capturing integers and then building stats wih them.



In order to setup you will need:

  • Python 3.10, although this can work with earlier version but it hasn't been tested
  • pipenv as a virtual environment manager pipenv install instructions by platform can be found here

Install process

  • Make sure you have installed python and pipenv

  • In the repo directory, do a pipenv shell command in order to create a virtual environment

    Tip 💡: If you are in a UNIX-like operating system you can do which python to make sure you are not using the python installation of your system

  • Run pipenv install --dev (The --dev is needed because all of the packages are development dependencies)

  • And now you are done 😊


There are different commands that can run the app, they are specified within the [scripts] section of Pipfile.

⚠️ Note that you need to have your pipenv environment activated in order to run them


Invoked with either pipenv run main or with python This is a command that runs a sample DataCapture instance with 5 numbers captured and then it build stats from there are shown. An example output of this is

Capturing: DataCapture(min:3, max:9, elements:5)
stats.between(3, 6)=4


This command runs tests without generating comprehensive reports about it. To invoke this run pipenv run test.

💡 Tests internally use pytest


Invoked using pipenv run format it internally invokes black to format the code using PEP-8 standards.

Test coverage

pipenv run test-coverage creates a coverage report. Uses coverage package internally.

Coverage report

pipenv run coverage-report prints a coverage report, like the following:

Name         Stmts   Miss  Cover
--------------------------------      60      0   100%         41      0   100%
TOTAL          101      0   100%

Coverage HTML

pipenv run coverage-html generates an HTML version of the coverage report. It's saved in the htmlcov directory.

Serve coverage html

pipenv run serve-coverage-html spins a http.server in the htmlcov directory.

It should look a bit like this:

Index of reports Coverage report
Index of reports Coverage report

⚠️ Note: This command should be run after running pipenv run coverage-html


pipenv run flake8 runs flake8 linter.

Generate docs

Documents can be generated with the help of docstring conventions and pdoc3 using the command pipenv run gen-docs, the docs are then saved in Markdown format in the docs directory.

⚠️ Note that if the documents are already generated in the docs folder you will need to either delete this folder to generate them again or use a -f flag to force the regeneration of the docs as in pipenv run gen-docs -f. Use this with care.

Serve docs

In order to get nice HTML docs run pipenv run serve-docs which will run a server serving HTML in the port 5000 of your localhost. These docs will look like the following



Already generated docs can be found for the three modules of this project


Run test helper

There's a file that allows you to run the tests and generate the coverage reports.

With the --serve flag, you can serve these coverage reports automatically after running all the tests.