
Ansible role to deploy influxdb as a non-root user using systemd's user service features.

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Ansible Role: InfluxDB (in development)

Module to install InfluxDB as a non-root user. Service managed by systemd.

Role Variables

Most of the defaults should be fine, see defaults/main.yml for more.

Example Playbook

    # First part of the play, configure things as root
    - hosts: servers
      user: root
        - { role: engonzal.ansible_role_systemd_user, tags: [ 'systemd'] }
    # Influx play, runs as a local user on the host
    - hosts: servers
      user: engonzal
        - { role: engonzal.ansible_role_influxdb, tags: [ 'influxdb'] }
