
basic template for rails

Primary LanguageHTML


Kick off a project like:

rails new MyNewApp -a propshaft  -d sqlite3  -m ../leap/template.rb
rails db:create & rails db:migrate 

or for real projects

rails new appy24 -a propshaft  -d postgres  -m ../leap/template.rb

Bootstrap Views

use like:

rails g bootstrap:install  --simpleform --pagination 

So now you can do Scafold for your Crud like a bootstrap boss:

rails generate scaffold boats  name:string title:string content:text

If you want pagination tho, you need to change the controller index to:

 @pagy, @boats = pagy(Boat.all, items: 5)

For bootstrap pagination, You need to download this:

cd config/initializers 
wget https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/lib/config/pagy.rb

and uncomment

```` require 'pagy/extras/bootstrap' ``

TODO: just do that in code?


use time_formats.rb and en.rb to configure your formats and then use like this:

<%=  boat.created_at.to_formatted_s(:full)   %>
<%=  l(boat.created_at, format: :pirate)   %>

More docs here: https://api.rubyonrails.org/cl asses/Time.html#method-i-to_formatted_s

Use github flavour markup in your views like:

 md("**Hello** there")


markdown_filter do |block|
# Hi There

note, no indentation

alternatively, use https://github.com/zarqman/markdown_views


Add breadcrumbs with breadcrumbs_on_rails in your controller:

  add_breadcrumb "home", :root_path
  add_breadcrumb "Boats", :boats_path

  def show
    add_breadcrumb @boat.name, boat_path(@boat)

Or views, eg for devise views - copy them over from the views gem and add:

<% add_breadcrumb "Edit #{@boat.name}", edit_boat_path(@boat) %>


delayed jobs, but as simple as possible, ie use the default rails one https://github.com/bensheldon/good_job#readme


gem "chartkick" and analytics? error pages? gaffe?


deployment ready on hatchbox

https://github.com/javan/whenever breadcrumbs

run to refresh sitemap: rake sitemap:refresh

add pagy to controller?

pretender, but, teams? keep it secure.