
Package to analyze likert based items.

Primary LanguageR

Analysis and Visualization of Likert Based Items

Jason Bryer jason@bryer.org
Kim Speerschneider kimkspeer@gmail.com

likert is an R package designed to help analyzing and visualizing Likert type items. More information can be optained at http://jason.bryer.org/likert. Also, the included demo demonstrates many of the features.

Download the 2013 useR! Conference [abstract](http://github.com/jbryer/likert/useR 2013/Abstract) and [slides](http://github.com/jbryer/likert/useR 2013/Slides).

Reading Attitude Reading Attitude with Histogram

The latest development version can be downloaded using the devtools package.


To get started take a look at the likert demo or from within R:

demo('likert', package='likert')

Or run the Shiny app:
