Learning javascript using vue js (Created Jan 28, 2017)
Document the steps I am taking to learn javascript development. I am relatively new to javascript and this im my journey Everything here should be considered as my development journal and nothing more. Specifically, please do not take anything here as being a best practice or a step-by-step guide.
The end goal is to demonstrate a dynamic, single-page application that provides simplified, but similar functionality as parts of the monitor that is provided with Accumulo with some new features for monitoring the Fault-Tolerant Executor (FATE) transaction system that is used in Accumulo.
While I have an end goal in mind, this repo may contain a lot of half-baked concepts as I explore different options and techniques.
- Step 0 - Install initial development environment for javascript development suitable for large projects Generated code in ./hello_vue_cli
- Step 1 - Initial vue.js hello word (js only) and mock application layout using html / css. Code contained in ./proto1
See the README in ./hello_vue_cli for additional details - ths summary is here becasue the installation of node and yarn are global for a developer and do not need to be repeated for each project.
- Setup a development environment that can scale to larger projects
- Use Node.js
- Use Yarn Package Manager
- Use Webpack
Install Node.js - current LTS version 8.9.4, released 2017-10-31
- Download tar file from Node.js
- Switch to the directory whre node js should live and untar the file (tar xvf "tarfile.xz")
- Set environment variable NODE_HOME to point to install directory.
Installing from tar:
- Download tar from yarn-v1.3.2.tar.gz released 2017-11-02):
- Untar and set env.
> yarn init
> yarn add --dev webpack webpack-dev-server`
> yarn add --dev vue-cli
> ./node_modules/vue-cli/bin/vue init webpack-simple hello_vue
> cd hello_vue/
> yarn install
> npm run dev