
is a/has a - script to generate graphviz object graphs from python code

Primary LanguagePython

is a/has a

This is a simple script that reads through Python codebases and identifies three patterns, converting them to edges in DOT (graphviz) format

Inheritance, i.e. the "is a" relationship

class Chemistry(Science):

which is represented as

Science -> Chemistry

Type hinting in dataclasses ("explicit has-a")

class SeismicData:
    time_series : pd.Series
    severity : float

class Location:
    seismic_data : SeismicData 

which is represented as

SeismicData -> Location [arrowhead=icurve]

Type hinting in function definition inside classes ("implicit has-a")

class Insurance:
    def add_location(loc : Location)

which is represented as

Location -> Insurance [arrowhead=icurve]

The script produces a valid .DOT file with nodes grouped in subgraphs by file. You can explicitly group nodes inside squares by messing with the function file_subgraph so all subgraph names start with the word cluster. The script is otherwise easy to customize, but has been useful to me as is.