Transparent proxy for docker containers, run in a docker container -
The "" script will run the container and setup the appropriate iptables and ip routing rules.
NOTE: This project is not designed to be run with a simple "docker run" - it requires the "" script to be run on the docker host, so it can adjust the routing rules. You will need to check this code out from and run the "" script on the host (for OS X, that's on your boot2docker or similar host).
The script will fire up a docker container running squid, with appropriate iptables rules in place for transparent proxying. It will also configure port-based routing on the main host such that any traffic from a docker container to port 80 routes via the transparent proxy container.
The script is designed to run in the foreground, because when the container terminates it needs to remove the rules that were redirecting the traffic.
If you want to see squid in operation, you can (in another terminal) attach to the squid container - it is tailing the access log, so will show a record of requests made.
This script assumes you have "sudo" access to perform the iptables changes
the format of the script is a bit strange - that's because it's also used as part of a larger framework on my own machine.
There exists a real possibility this script will break your iptables or ip rules in some unexpected way. I've tried to be reasonably tidy and careful, but be aware that if things go wrong, the potential exists for all containers to lose the ability to download anything.