CVE-2021-3560 - Polkit Local Privilege Escalation

⚠️ For educational and authorized security research purposes only

Original Exploit Authors

Very grateful to the original PoC author @UNICORDev by (@NicPWNs and @Dev-Yeoj)


It was found that polkit could be tricked into bypassing the credential checks for D-Bus requests, elevating the privileges of the requestor to the root user. This flaw could be used by an unprivileged local attacker to, for example, create a new local administrator. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity as well as system availability.



Step Guides

  1. Install git, then clone the script from the github repository:

    sudo apt install git python3 -y
    git clone
  2. Run the PoC script using command:

    python3 -u hacker -p password

    Notes: specify -u options with the intended username and -p options with the intended password

  3. Verify the created user using command:

    su hacker
