aseshe10's Following
- a8m@ent and @ariga
- afc163Alipay
- AliSoftwareFreelance on iOS Tooling and DX
- azure-sdkMicrosoft
- bflad@HashiCorp
- chentsulin@Dcard
- diracdeltas@brave
- DonJayamanne@microsoft
- dotansimha@the-guild-org
- edenhill@confluentinc
- geohot@commaai @tinygrad
- guidol70Mudanya - BURSA - Turkey
- ianstormtaylorSan Francisco, CA
- ijjk@Vercel
- jdhaolocalhost
- kentcdodds@epicweb-dev
- maoo@finos @sessiontechnologies
- mournerMapbox
- nolanlawson@Salesforce
- paulb777Google
- rom1504@google
- skalnikGitHub
- sryzaDagster Labs
- stedolan
- tianon@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc)
- wcandillonZürich