Awesome AWS Amplify curates the best AWS Amplify, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!
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- Serverless GraphQL API with AppSync and DynamoDB
- AWS Amplify Photo Sharing Workshop
- Building real-time applications with React, GraphQL & AWS AppSync
- Building Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS Amplify
- AWS Amplify UnicornFlix Workshop (Video on Demand)
- AWS Amplify UnicornTrivia Workshop (Live streaming video)
- TensorFlow.js + AWS Amplify
- 10 Minute Tutorial: Creating a Serverless Express Web Server & API
- ⚡️ 10 Ways to Use Serverless Functions
- Real quick GraphQL service with AWS Amplify & Appsync
- Visualizing Focus with Neurosity's Notion and AWS Amplify
- Build a Music Sharing App with Amazon S3 and AWS Amplify
- Introducing Conference App in a Box (blog)
- Infrastructure as Code in the Era of GraphQL and Full Stack Serverless
- How to Build an AI Enabled Natural Language Synthesization Chrome Extension
- 12 New Features of AWS Amplify
- Building a minimal Evernote alternative in 6 hours with Amplify
- Using Federated Identities to access non-public S3 objects as an unauthenticated user.
- Amplify for Teams — Part 1: Centralized Workflows
- Amplify for Teams — Part 2: GitFlow
- Serverless Functions in Depth
- Build a voting website that doesn’t crash — part two. Now with Amplify.
- Multiple Environments with AWS Amplify
- Setting Up a Project with CI/CD Using Amplify
- End To End Testing Amplify Apps
- Getting Started: Intro to AWS Amplify: build a multi-tenant SaaS app
- Intro to AWS Amplify: build a multi-tenant SaaS app – Part 2: Application Setup
- Building Scalable GraphQL APIs on AWS with CDK, TypeScript, AWS AppSync, Amazon DynamoDB, and AWS Lambda
- Building a Serverless JAMstack ECommerce Store with Gatsby & AWS Amplify
- 10 Minute Tutorial: Deploy an Apollo GraphQL Server with Amplify Functions
- Full Stack Serverless - Building a Real-time Chat App with GraphQL, CDK, AppSync, and React
- AWS Amplify cheatsheet
- AWS Amplify — Static Web Hosting Under 3mins
- How to deploy a custom domain with the Amplify Console
- Deploy A Gatsby Site to the Amplify Console With One Click
- Simple Static Website creating with Hugo and Deploying with Amplify Console
- Branch Based Deployment Strategies with AWS Amplify Console
- Effective Jekyll: Hosting Websites on AWS Amplify
- Protect and Monitor Your Front End Application
- How to deploy a React Application on AWS Amplify
- Building a real-time stock monitoring dashboard with AWS AppSync
- Simplify access to multiple microservices with AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify
- Data Modeling in Depth with GraphQL & AWS Amplify - 17 Data Access Patterns
- GraphQL Recipes - Building APIs with GraphQL Transform
- How To Use AWS AppSync in Lambda Functions
- AWS Amplify GraphQL Queries with TypeScript and Hooks - Part 2: Custom Hooks
- AWS Amplify GraphQL Operations with TypeScript and Hooks - Part 3: Mutations
- Query More Items Using Scans in AWS Amplify
- GraphQL Tutorial - How to Manage Image & File Uploads & Downloads with AWS AppSync & AWS Amplify
- Introduction to Lambda Resolvers with AWS Amplify
- Lambda Function GraphQL Resolvers
- Building a Real-time Collaborative Beatbox with React & GraphQL
- Real-time Collaborative Drawing with GraphQL & AWS AppSync
- 8 steps to building your own serverless GraphQL API using AWS Amplify
- A guide for build CRUD App with Amplify and AWS AppSync
- Setting up Android Push Notifications with AWS Amplify
- Testing Push Notifications with AWS Amplify
- CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) / AWS Amplify + GraphQL + React Native
- The Complete React Native Guide to User Authentication with the Amplify Framework
- Social authentication with AWS Amplify and React Native
- User Authentication with Amplify in a React Native and Expo app
- Mobile development : Go serverless with AWS Amplify, a game changer !
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 1
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 2
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 3
- User authentication with React Native and AWS Amplify - Part 4
- Authentication in a React Native App Using AWS Amplify
- Serverless mobile with React Native and AWS Amplify
- How to Build Cloud-Powered Mobile Apps with Expo & AWS Amplify
- Building Serverless Mobile Applications with React Native & AWS
- Accelerating Mobile App Development with AWS Amplify
- Building a Custom UI for Authentication with AWS Amplify
- React Native Push Notifications
- Adding Analytics to Your Next Mobile JavaScript Application
- React Native Authentication in Depth
- User Authorization with React Native & AWS using React Native Navigation
- Building an iOS app with React Native and AWS Amplify
- AWS Amplify + React Native / Authentication 🔐 FULL SETUP
- Detox your React Native AWS Amplify Authentication.
- Getting Started with React and AWS Amplify
- How to build an application in minutes with AWS Amplify
- Build and Deploy a Real-Time React App Using AWS Amplify and GraphQL
- Using AWS Amplify to Develop & Deploy Full Stack React App (Part 1) - Publish Frontend with Authentication
- Using AWS Amplify to Develop Full Stack React App (Part 2) — Integrate Amazon ML Services
- AWS Amplify - Mixed Public & Private Application Routing
- How to Build Serverless GraphQL and REST APIs Using AWS Amplify
- Serverless GraphQL React App using AWS Amplify — Part One (Part Two TBD)
- React Authentication in Depth
- AmpliBox - a Self Hosted File Storage App with AWS Amplify
- Getting Started with AWS Amplify and Angular
- First steps with AWS Amplify for an Angular app
- Create Fully-Functioning Serverless User Authentication With AWS Cognito and Amplify With Angular
- AWS Amplify + Angular fullstack serverless guide: Part 1
- 5 Step Guide for User Authentication using Angular, Amplify and AWS Cognito Hosted UI
- Create Fully-Functioning Serverless User Authentication With AWS Cognito and Amplify With Angular
- Getting Started with AWS Amplify and Vue
- VueJS and Serverless: The Right Combination for a Realtime Chat App
- Building a serverless document scanner using Amazon Textract and AWS Amplify
- Super Easy Language Translator with AWS Amplify Predictions and Vue.js
- Realtime Shopping List App with AWS Amplify, AppSync, GraphQL, and Vue.js
- 5 Minute Tutorial - Deploying Nuxt to AWS
- Build your first full-stack serverless app with Vue and AWS Amplify (Medium)
- Create a cloud-enabled GraphQL API with AWS Amplify and Vue (Medium)
- Create a REST API integrated with Amazon DynamoDB using AWS Amplify and Vue (Medium)
- Adding Authentication to a Nuxt App with AWS Amplify
- How To Deploy A Nuxt SPA To AWS Amplify
- How to Develop Serverless Vuejs Application with AWS Amplify
- Getting Started
- 5 Minute Tutorial: Deploying a Next app with AWS Amplify Hosting
- The Complete Guide to Next.js Authentication
- Next.js - The Data Story
- Using the new Stripe Checkout in Gatsby + AWS Amplify: Return a session (server-side)
- Using the new Stripe Checkout in Gatsby + AWS Amplify: Redirect to checkout (client-side)
- Using the new Stripe Checkout in Gatsby + AWS Amplify: Payment confirmation (webhook)
- Building JAMstack Applications with Gatsby and AWS Amplify Framework
- Getting Started with AWS Amplify & Android
- Setting up Android Push Notifications with AWS Amplify
- Capturing App Launch Metrics On Android
- Building a Custom Android Plugin for AWS’ Amplify Framework
- Building Native iOS and Android Apps with AWS Amplify
- Getting Started with AWS Amplify & iOS
- Realtime Chat App with AWS DynamoDB | AWS Amplify
- Amplify iOS Project Setup
- AWS Amplify Auth Web UI on iOS
- Working around the AWS AppSync fetch limits in your iOS app
- AWSAmplify - A simple Multi Tenant Approach using Post Confirmation Lambda Trigger
- Creating AWS Amplify Functions in Typescript
- The Guide to implement Geo Search in your React Native App with AWS Amplify
- Server-Side Rendered Real-time Web App with Next.js, AWS Amplify & GraphQL
- Building AR & VR Experiences with React, Amazon Sumerian & AWS Amplify
- Using Amplify CLI for adding Auth to your Hasura GraphQL engine
- Securing AWS Api Gateway Requests with Signature Version 4 using AWS Amplify
- Using AWS Amplify from Clojurescript and Re-Frame Series
- GraphQL and Go with AppSync and Lambda
- CLJS ❤️'s AWS Amplify
- Add monitoring to your Amplify app by using Amplify framework
- Multi-Tenant AWS Amplify: Method 1: Cognito Custom Attributes
- Multi-Tenant AWS Amplify: Method 2: Cognito Groups
- Multi-Tenant AWS Amplify: Method 3: Virtual Cognito Groups
- AWS Amplify for Javascript - Initialize an Amplify Project in Javascript! (1/3)
- Intro to Appsync with SAM with Gary Part 1
- What is Amplify DataStore? - Part 01
- What is Amplify DataStore? - Part 02
- Amplify DataStore - Predicates and Real-Time Sync
- AWS for Developers: AWS Amplify
- AWS Amplify Multiple Environments Demo
- AWSMobile CLI - Getting Started
- Configuring the AWSMobile CLI
- Learn AWS Amplify Console - Crash Course
- Upload a file to S3 using Amplify | Serverless
- AWS Amplify? Deploy your web app in a few minutes
- How to Enable Pull Request Previews with Amplify Console Hosting
- Deploy a Gatsby Blog to AWS Amplify Console
- How to Deploy a Custom Domain Name with the Amplify Console in Under Two Minutes
- Configuring custom domain for aws-amplify application
- How to add custom domains with HTTPS in 10 mins! : Amplify Console
- Continuous Deployment with AWS Amplify
- Password Protect Unreleased Features - AWS Amplify Episode
- Working with Data in DynamoDB from React with AWS Amplify - Full tutorial
- React Authentication with AWS Amplify & Amplify UI React
- Serverless React with AWS Amplify - The Complete Guide
- Building Serverless React Applications with AWS Amplify
- Creating a custom authentication flow from scratch with AWS Amplify and React
- Introduction to GraphQL APIs with AppSync and Amplify - Part 01
- Modeling Relationships (1:1 1:N N:M) with AppSync and Amplify - Part 02
- How to Send Realtime Updates with GraphQL Subscriptions - Part 03
- Let's Build an Offline Web App (AWS AppSync | GraphQL | Angular) - Part 04
- Full Stack Photobook App | Vue, GraphQL, AWS Amplify
- Building Full Stack Cloud Apps with Vue and AWS Amplify
- Create a REST API Integrated with Amazon DynamoDB: A Tutorial Using AWS Amplify and Vue
- Create an Offline-first App with Amplify DataStore and GraphQL: A Tutorial Using AWS Amplify and Vue
- How to Deploy a Nuxt Site to AWS from a Git repository with Amplify hosting
- How to Deploy a Nuxt Site to AWS using the AWS Amplify CLI
- How to setup AWS Amplify in a new Nuxt project
- How to add authentication using AWS Amplify's Auth Class in a Nuxt ap
- Adding A Private and Public GraphQL API with AWS Amplify in a Nuxt App (API Part1)
- Client & SSR Authentication with Next.js in Less than 7 Minutes from Scratch
- Deploying a Next.js app with the AWS Amplify CLI
- Deploying a Next.js app to AWS with AWS Amplify Git-based deployments
- AWS Amplify for iOS - Initialize Amplify in an iOS XCODE project!
- Create a Photo Gallery App with AWS Amplify | SwiftUI 2.0, Xcode 12
- AWS Amplify Auth Web UI for iOS | SwiftUI 2.0, Xcode 12
- Offline Data Storage with AWS Amplify DataStore | Swift 5, Xcode 12
- AWS Amplify DataStore with SwiftUI 2.0 | Todo App
- Realtime Chat App in React Native and AWS (Backend)
- Realtime Chat App in React Native and AWS (Backend 2)
- Adding User Authentication to a New React Native App Using AWS Mobile Hub & AWS Amplify
- React Native iOS Push Notifications with AWS & Amazon Pinpoint
- Adding Analytics to a React Native Project with Amazon Cognito
- AWS Amplify - Manually Configuring Cognito & Adding Authentication to a new React Native Project
- Expo - React Native Authentication with Expo, AWS Amplify, & Cognito
- Adding Analytics to an Expo Project
- Flutter apps with AWS Backend: Part 1 — Basic Setup
- Flutter apps with AWS Backend: Part 2 — Authentication
- Flutter Apps with AWS Backend: Part 3 — Analytics
- Flutter Apps with AWS Backend: Part 4 — Storage
- Full Stack Machine learning on AWS: Reading Text from an Image with AWS Amplify & Amazon Rekognition
- Full Stack Machine learning on AWS: Translating Text with AWS Amplify and Amazon Translate
- Serverless Cron Jobs & Scheduled Events with AWS Lambda
- Adding Google Sign In for Web Applications with AWS Amplify
- Adding Facebook Sign In for Web Applications with AWS Amplify
- AWS re:Invent 2018: Developing Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with Ionic, GraphQL, and AWS
- User sign up and sign in with useContext on ReasonML, ReasonReact Next.js and AWS Amplify
- File storage / uploads
- Svelte with AWS Amplify & Amplify DataStore
- Jamstack ECommerce
- Jamstack CMS
- Amplify Authentication Demo
- Amplify DataStore Example & Lab
- Amplify Predictions (ML / AI) example
- Amplify Storage example
- Conference App in a Box
- ReactNativeAuth
- Enterprise Twitter
- appsync-lambda-ai
- Wild Rydes Mobile
- appsync-react-native-with-user-authorization
- React Native Auth Starter
- React Native Authentication in Depth
- React Native + Expo Authentication Example
- React Native Movies App: AWS AppSync, AWS Amplify, AWS Cognito, GraphQL, DynamoDB
- React Native Photos App: AWS Amplify, AWS S3, Mobile Analytics with Pinpoint
- Nyxo: AWS Amplify, AWS Cognito, GraphQL, DynamoDB
- ReactJS + Amazon Cognito + Amazon Amplify Framework Starter Project
- Introducing Pokedex
- Introducing Quick Notes
- Journey - An App for Tracking Job Listings
- Write with Me - Real-time Collaborative Markdown Editor
- Speakerchat - Real-time Event Q&A with Markdown Support
- AWS Appsync Graphql Real-time Canvas
- Hype Beats
- AWS AppSync Chat
- aws-amplify-graphql
- AppSync with AWS Amplify User Authorization
- React Authentication Example
- AppSync with Apollo and React Hooks