
This is a fully functional blog website, made using django and django Rest Framework for backend and React JS for frontend UI. In this website anonymous user can see blogs listed and its detail view, and registered user can write blog blog using UI an Html Editor after login in the website. Logged user can upload profile pic and profile details and further profile can be updated by user.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React Context Api for state management

This is a fully functional blog website, made using django and django Rest Framework for backend and React JS for frontend UI. In this website anonymous user can see blogs listed and its detail view, and registered user can write blog using UI after login in the website. Logged user can upload profile pic and profile details and further profile can be updated by user. Also logged user can delete own blog.

How it looks-

Alt text

To make this repositary work on your machine configure following-

dependencies for backends-

Installing Packages-

  1. pip install django
  2. pip install django-cors-headers
  3. pip install Pillow
  4. pip install djangorestframework
  5. pip install djangorestframework-simplejwt

dependencies for React Js frontend-

Installing Packages-

  1. npm install

npm start