

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

The folder contains the Final Project in Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
class at NTU in 2019-1 semester, with the following files:
-	Introduction File: Introduction.pdf
-	Report       File: Project Report.word/ Porject Report.pdf
-	Parameter setting: weight.pth
-	Coding       File: r08921053_model.ipynb
-	database   Folder: train folder/ val folder/ test.tar(containing test.npy)

One program and one report in this project, and the description of project is in
This project is to classify 19 kinds of sound provided randomly.
I prefer to use "jupyter notebook" to operate this program.

Program training: use the data in train folder and val folder
Project    input: test.npy
Project   output: result01.csv

這個資料夾包含了數位訊號處理導論在台大2019-1學期的期末專題, 有下列的檔案:
-	簡介檔案: Introduction.pdf
-	報告檔案: Project Report.word/ Porject Report.pdf
-	參數設定: weight.pth
-	編碼檔案: r08921053_model.ipynb
-	資料檔案: train folder/ val folder/ test.tar(包含test.npy)

一個程式和一份報告在這個專題, 而專題的描述在"Introduction.pdf"裡面.
我偏好使用"jupyter notebook"來執行這個程式.

程式訓練: 使用在train資料夾和val資料夾內的資料
程式輸入: test.npy
程式輸出: result01.csv