index | overview | detail |
compare | favorite |
구분 | as-was(ggez) | as-is(new-ggez) | to-be | detail | |
dev | period | 3 months | 5 months | ||
lang | php, javascript, html, css | javascript, html, css | - | - | |
framework | - | nodejs, express, angularjs | - | - | |
database | mysql | mongodb | - | - | |
side tech | jquery | jquery, webpack | - | - | |
task runner | gulp | - | - | ||
elapsed time for crawling | 5 hours / 13,000 |
2.5 hours / 13,000 |
- | - | |
Operation | daily report | none (manually check) |
auto (mail report everyday) |
- | - |
build | - | gulp and webpack (vendor and bundle) |
- | - | |
deploy | manual (filezilla) |
auto (cli, ssh, gulp, linux) |
- | - | |
Test | server | - | - | mocha, chai | - |
client | - | - | karma, protractor | - |
- radarchart legend
detail and compare page selectors hidden.(not toggling)table th align text- need to add hero moira
- index page table and anchor collision
in search bar loading bar bigger.recent update timetable result strong and weaker span
hero torbjorn, bastion bug- compare table score appear minus value
- webpack vendor hash value check(status ok but not cache use in browser)
- hero.detail.component can not get diff season data...
- random page random number must be based on cahce factory
Test and Refactoring
- main page ranking
- hero page ranking
build client 아직 완성되지 않음 inject:css라던지...
api dummy test
webpack uglyfy in production mode.
image compress
webpack revision for deploy... version update.. bundle and vendor.js
inject css
gulp-git으로 버전관리?
- freeboard search
- wild card search i.e) "*ab" will match "abcd"
- In now, only be able to match whole word.
- owner search (how to create index to reference filed)
- wild card search i.e) "*ab" will match "abcd"
- Check Mongoose Schema how many memories uses.
- Sometimes. register mulitple collection one schema...
- Reverse Engineering for how to way to design in plan and code
- Make rich component(
) - drop old collections
- go last view(or mine) icon based on server session
- failed craw players when on cron job, set deprecated true.
- tier-data.json neede minify.
- App
- Util
- ng-enter needs auto-erasable and not working when blank field attribute
- 랭킹테이블 만들기
- 라이브서치
- 공유하기
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