
A SQLite extension for parsing robots.txt files

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A SQLite extension for parsing robots.txt files. Based on sqlite-loadable-rs and the robotstxt crate.


See if a specified User-Agent can access a specific path, based on the rules of a robots.txt.

select robotstxt_matches(
); -- 0 or 1

Find all indvidual rules specified in a robots.txt file.

select *
from robotstxt_rules(
limit 10;
│         user_agent         │ source │ rule_type │ path │
│ MJ12bot                    │ 12     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ Mediapartners-Google*      │ 16     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ IsraBot                    │ 20     │ disallow  │      │
│ Orthogaffe                 │ 23     │ disallow  │      │
│ UbiCrawler                 │ 28     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ DOC                        │ 31     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ Zao                        │ 34     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ sitecheck.internetseer.com │ 39     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ Zealbot                    │ 42     │ disallow  │ /    │
│ MSIECrawler                │ 45     │ disallow  │ /    │

Use with sqlite-http to requests robots.txt files on the fly.

select *
from robotstxt_rules(
limit 10;

│ user_agent │ source │ rule_type │        path         │
│ 008        │ 3      │ disallow  │ /                   │
│ voltron    │ 7      │ disallow  │ /                   │
│ bender     │ 10     │ disallow  │ /my_shiny_metal_ass │
│ Gort       │ 13     │ disallow  │ /earth              │
│ MJ12bot    │ 16     │ disallow  │ /                   │
│ PiplBot    │ 19     │ disallow  │ /                   │
│ *          │ 22     │ disallow  │ /*.json             │
│ *          │ 23     │ disallow  │ /*.json-compact     │
│ *          │ 24     │ disallow  │ /*.json-html        │
│ *          │ 25     │ disallow  │ /*.xml              │


  • robotstxt_allowed(rules, path) overload on robotstxt_user_agents
  • sitemaps?
  • unknown directives?