
Web Developer Journey 2018 - a list of things to accomplish in 2018

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Web Developer Path - 2018

This is a guide of the accomplishments in web development that I would like to tackle for the year 2018. It is focused on Computer Science, Mathematics, Javascript, Node, React, Vue, MySQL, and Progressive Web Apps

College Courses

Type Item Begin Project(s) Completed
Course Intro to Computer Science CS50x 1 January 2018 (continued on 10 April 2018) 31 December 2018
Course Effective Thinking Through Mathematics - UTAustinX
Course Mathematics for Computer Science - MIT OCW
Course Calculus One - OSUx
Course Calculus Two: Sequences and Series - OSUx

Udemy Courses

Type Item Begin Project(s) Completed
Course The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp 31 December 2018 62% complete
Course Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp
Course VueJS 2 - The Complete Guide 12 March 2018 n/a 12 May 2018
Course The Complete Node.js Developer Course
Course The Complete React Web App Developer Course
Course Advanced CSS and SASS: Take Your CSS to the Next Level


Type Item Begin Project(s) Completed
Book Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke 15 January 2018 20 February 2018
Book Programming Javascript Applications by Eric Elliott 20 February 2018 31 March 2018
Book Effective Javascript by David Herman
Book You Don't Know Javascript - Up & Going by Kyle Simpson
Book You Don't Know Javascript - Scope & Closures by Kyle Simpson
Book You Don't Know Javascript - this & Object Prototypes by Kyle Simpson
Book You Don't Know Javascript - Types & Grammar by Kyle Simpson
Book You Don't Know Javascript - Async & Performance by Kyle Simpson
Book You Don't Know Javascript - ES6 & Beyond by Kyle Simpson
Book Setting Up ES6 by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
Book Building Progressive Web Apps by Tal Ater

Miscellaneous Courses

Type Item Begin Project(s) Completed
Course Watch and Code - Practical Javascript 08 April 2018 05 May 2018
Course Udacity - AJAX 11 April 2018 n/a 100% - 17 April 2018
Course Javascript: Understanding the Weird Parts
Slides Learn Advanced HTML & CSS - Shay Howe
Slides Getting Sassy with CSS - SASS Shop


Type Item Begin Project(s) Completed
Project 100 Days of CSS
Project Recipe Box App from FreeCodeCamp - Vue
Project URL Shortener Microservice from FreeCodeCamp - Node
Project Beer Rating App using BeerDB


  • Learn and implement build tools like Gulp, Grunt and include them in projects
  • Write down notes in your notebook
  • Learn about linting.
  • Learn about CSS conventions like BEM & SMACSS
  • Complete FreeCodeCamp Front-end Certification


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