
Program to read cryptographic certificates

Primary LanguagePython


(Linux Based) use Python3

Usage and Execution


python3 read_cert.py Certificates/cert_bckup.p12 Certificates/root.crt Certificates/subject.crt CSE539_Rocks!

Mandatory Inputs: All above mentioned files are Mandatory (Total Arguments: 4)


  • Atit S Gaonkar - 1217031322
  • Jaswant Pakki - 1208755310



.p12 - Backup file containing the private key of Subjects Public Key
subject.crt - Subject's Certificate
CA.crt - CA's Certificate
passphrase - Key to open .p12 File


Sub-task 1

Verify the Subject’s certificate (print True if valid, False otherwise)

Sub-task 2 - Subject's Information

a.       *Subject name
b.       Issuer
c.       Serial Number
d.       Encryption Algorithm
e.       Not Valid Before
f.       Not Valid After

Sub-task 3 - Subject's Key Information

a.       Public Key Modulus (n)
b.       Public Key Exponent (e)
c.       Private Key Exponent (d)

Sub-task 4 - CA's Key Information

a.       Root Public Key Modulus (n)
b.       Root Public Key Exponent (e)

Sub-task 5 - Subject's Signature on Certificate

Print the hex signature on the Subject’s certificate

Sub-task 6 - Encryption

Encrypt b’Hello World’ using RSA (OEAP Padding, MGF Function as MGF1 and SHA256 hash function). Encryption using Subject's public key

Packages Imported

  • OpenSSL.Crypto
from OpenSSL.crypto import (load_certificate, dump_privatekey, dump_certificate, X509, X509Name, PKey, TYPE_DSA, TYPE_RSA, FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1, load_pkcs12)
  • cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
  • cryptography.hazmat.backends
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
  • Crypto.Util.asn1
from Crypto.Util.asn1 import (DerSequence, DerObject)
  • cryptography.hazmat.primitives
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
  • Crypto.PublicKey
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
  • import OpenSSL.crypto

  • import sys