
JSON Standard for Block Producer Information on the EOS Blockchain

EOS BP Information Standard

JSON Standard for Block Producer Information on the EOS Blockchain

This is a proposed standard for Block Producer candidates to publish as the URL field of the regproducer action on the eosio.system contract.

The current revision is compliant with the JSON schema Draft v7 - http://json-schema.org/specification.html

  • producer_account_name: Name of producer account
  • producer_public_key: Public key for producer account
  • org: [Object]
    • location: Organization location
      • name: Location in human readable format [City, State]
      • country: Country code [XX]
      • latitude: Latitude in decimal degrees
      • longitude: Longitude in decimal degrees
    • candidate_name: Producer/organization name
    • website: Block producer website
    • social: {Object} - links to social networks
  • nodes: [Array]
    • location: Node location
      • name: Node location in human readable format [City, State]
      • country: Node country code [XX]
      • latitude: Node latitude in decimal degrees
      • longitude: Node longitude in decimal degrees
    • is_producer: Is this node a producer? true/false
    • p2p_endpoint: EOSIO P2P endpoint host:port
    • api_endpoint: EOSIO HTTP endpoint http://host:port
    • ssl_endpoint: EOSIO HTTPS endpoint https://host:port

Useful Links

One can check for data validity using: https://www.jsonschemavalidator.net/