
A boilerplate for Hadoop and Cassandra cluster IaC

Primary LanguageHCL

HCCIaC - Hadoop and Cassandra Cluster Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


Configuring Hadoop

Anything you add in hadoop-config/ directory will be copied as it is to Hadoop's configuration directory : /home/ubuntu/hadoop/etc/hadoop/

The basic configuration of hadoop is done in these files :

Configuring Cassandra

Anything you add in cassandra-config/ directory will be copied as it is to Cassandra's configuration directory : /etc/cassandra/

Basic configuration of cassandra is done in this file:

Before You Run

  1. You must have an aws account
  2. Configure your account to have a user with programatic access to the services that this project will use (EC2, VPC, ...etc)
  3. Configure this account with AWS CLI using aws configure
  4. Copy terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars and configure it the way you like:
    cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
  5. Create a directory called keys/
  6. Create a key pair called cluster_key (cluster_key,cluster_key.pub). An alternative would be to create a symilink to the keys you have like so:
    ln -s ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub keys/cluster_key.pub
    ln -s ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys/cluster_key
    These keys will be your keys to access AWS EC2 instances.

How to Run

Simply run the following command :

terraform apply

The following command will apply the infrastructure without approval request and will save the output to a file for later debugging if necessary.

terraform apply -auto-approve 2>&1 | tee log-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S').out

How to Access the Cluster

After terraform applies the infrastructure successfully you can run the following to access the Admin Node

ssh -i keys/cluster_key ubuntu@$(terraform output manager-ip)

To access the cluster's web UI (Like HDFS and Yarn) you can use SSH with local forwarding, like so:

ssh -L 50070:master.hadoop.cluster:50070 -i keys/cluster_key ubuntu@$(terraform output manager-ip)

Then you can access these services on localhost like HDFS and Yarn

How to Stop the Cluster

Run this command with caution and at your own risk this will destroy the cluster without your confirmation:

terraform destroy -auto-approve