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Navigate to the project direcctory with terminal and execute the commands

  1. npm install
  2. npm install https://github.com/ashalva/app-store-scraper.git
  3. npm start

Then the server will start...


Retrieve categories


"TOP_MAC": "macos-apps/top-mac-apps/all",
"TOP_FREE_MAC": "macos-apps/top-free-mac-apps/all",
"TOP_GROSSING_MAC": "macos-apps/top-grossing-mac-apps/all",

Retrieve apps within category


"id": "1291851950",
"appId": "io.voodoo.dune",
"title": "Dune!",
"icon": "http://is1.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple118/v4/36/e8/47/36e847e2-a778-d51a-5f14-89f5394590c4/AppIcon-1x_U007emarketing-85-220-7.png/100x100bb-85.png",
"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dune/id1291851950?mt=8&uo=2",
"price": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"free": true,
"description": "Jump above the line to score, but beware! The higher you get, the harder the landing will be! Don't crash and keep it smooth!",
"developer": "Voodoo",
"developerUrl": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/voodoo/id714804730?mt=8&uo=2",
"developerId": "714804730",
"genre": "Games",
"genreId": "6014",
"released": "2017-10-11T05:56:12-07:00",
"version": "1.4"

Retrieve common and ucommon features within the given apps


"comparison": true,
"firstAppName": "McDonald's",
"secondAppName": "Helix Jump",
"commonFeatures": [],
"firstAppFeatures": [
"clusterName": "take your money",
"features": [
"take your money",
"pay order",
"clusterName": "payments or order",
"features": [
"payments or order",
"process their payment",
"secondAppFeatures": [
"clusterName": "ball feature",
"features": [
"ball feature",
"new ball",
"anticipating new ball"
"clusterName": "game mechanics",
"features": [
"game mechanics",
"game simple mechanics"

Search the apps with search string


"id": 454638411,
"appId": "com.facebook.Messenger",
"title": "Messenger",
"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/messenger/id454638411?mt=8&uo=4",
"description": "Instantly connect with the people in your life. ...",
"icon": "https://is4-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple128/v4/19/b7/69/19b7691b-10e5-530c-fd7e-a54de91d9d6f/source/512x512bb.jpg",
"genres": [
"Social Networking",
"genreIds": [
"id": 447188370,
"appId": "com.toyopagroup.picaboo",
"title": "Snapchat",
"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/snapchat/id447188370?mt=8&uo=4",
"description": "Life's more fun when you live in the moment :) ..." ,

Retreieve feature sentiments


"picture or video": {
"firstFeatures": [
"feature": "picture or video",
"frequency": 5
"comparison": false,
"firstAppName": "Messenger",
"firstAppSentimentAverage": 1.14,
"firstAppSentiments": [
"sentence": "I thought it was the pictures themselves or the WiFi connection but it happens with any picture or video I try to send, no matter what size, and no matter the WiFi signal strength or network I’m connected to.",
"sentiment": 1
"sentence": "I'm tired of not being able to adjust my volume during a video call.",
"sentiment": 1
... ,
"sentence": "You give permission for messenger to listen to, record your voice and video even when messenger or your phone is turned off!",
"sentiment": 1
"text box": {
"firstFeatures": [
"feature": "text box",
"frequency": 3
"comparison": false,
"firstAppName": "Messenger",
"firstAppSentimentAverage": 1,
"firstAppSentiments": [
"sentence": "Now I have to scroll all the way down to find a REAL text message with someone.",
"sentiment": 1

Retrieve app description within the given app


"id": "1291851950",
"description": "Jump above the line to score, but beware! The higher you get, the harder the landing will be! Don't crash and keep it smooth!"

Retreive app details with specific app id


"id": 454638411,
"appId": "com.facebook.Messenger",
"title": "Messenger",
"url": "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/messenger/id454638411?mt=8&uo=4",
"description": "Instantly connect with the people in your life. Messenger is free, ...",
"icon": "https://is4-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple128/v4/19/b7/69/19b7691b-10e5-530c-fd7e-a54de91d9d6f/source/512x512bb.jpg",
"genres": [
"Social Networking",
"genreIds": [
"primaryGenre": "Social Networking",
"primaryGenreId": 6005,
"contentRating": "12+",
"languages": [
"size": "235438080",
"requiredOsVersion": "8.0",
"released": "2011-08-09T19:49:28Z",
"updated": "2018-05-03T13:45:49Z",