
Typescript implementation of BML Connect 2.0

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TypeScript API Client and bindings for the Bank of Maldives Connect API

Using this TS API Client you can interact with your Bank of Maldives Connect API:

  • 💳 Transactions


Requires TS v3.0.0 or higher

The recommended way to install bml-connect-ts is through NPM:

First, install Package with NPM:

$ npm i bml-connect-ts

Or Use Yarn:

$ yarn add bml-conntect-ts

Finally, import Client in your JavaScript or TypeScript application:

import {Client} from 'bml-conntect-ts';

Quick Start


First get your production or sandbox API key from Merchant Portal.

If you want to get a production client:

import {Client} from 'bml-conntect-ts';

const client = new Client('apikey', 'appid');

If you want to get a sandbox client:

import {Client} from 'bml-conntect-ts';

const client = new Client('apikey', 'appid', 'sandbox');

Available API Operations

The following exposed API operations from the Bank of Maldives Connect API are available using the API Client.

See below for more details about each resource.

💳 Transactions

Create a new transaction with or without a specific payment method.

Usage details

💳 Transactions

Create transaction with a specific payment method

import {Client} from 'bml-conntect-ts';

const client = new Client('apikey', 'appid');

const data = {
  provider: 'alipay',  // Payment method enabled for your merchant account such as bcmc, alipay, card
  currency: 'MVR',
  amount: 1000, // 10.00 MVR
  redirectUrl: 'https://foo.bar/order/123'

const transaction = client.transactions.create(data);


Create transaction without a payment method that will redirect to the payment method selection screen

import {Client} from 'bml-conntect-ts';

const client = new Client('apikey', 'appid');

const data = {
  currency: 'MVR',
  amount: 1000, // 10.00 MVR
  redirectUrl: 'https://foo.bar/order/123'
const transaction = client.transactions.create(data);

res.location(transaction.url); // Go to payment method selection screen


⭐ Sign up as a merchant at https://dashboard.merchants.bankofmaldives.com.mv and start receiving payments in seconds.