- 2
Allow forbidding keywords
#47 opened by utkuozdemir - 7
Include/Exclude Files by Pattern
#42 opened by mvrahden - 1
- 3
Regression in v1.6.0
#41 opened by marselester - 1
Match method call
#39 opened by arxeiss - 2
How to match sql.DB.Exec method calls?
#37 opened by fho - 5
Restricting methods with <package>.<type>.<method> doesn't work if return value is directly accessed
#34 opened by dejan-lokar - 1
- 1
Complete example of golangci with custom messages
#30 opened by rynowak - 0
Why is Println forbidden?
#25 opened by aphsa - 3
- 1
analyze_types: better support for type aliases
#23 opened by pohly - 2
support import aliasing
#20 opened by pohly - 6
- 6
Allow fmt\.Printf.* in examples
#3 opened by martin-sucha - 2
Ignore internal package
#19 opened by mirecl - 1
- 4
Customize issue messages to describe intent
#10 opened by craigfurman - 2
Issues with permit in golangci-lint context
#9 opened by bnweiss - 1
Configuration file
#8 opened by mcandre - 0
I'd like to suggest println too
#5 opened by frederikhors - 7
- 2
Lack of examples
#1 opened by SVilgelm