
a simple single page portfolio

Primary LanguageHTML


A simple example of a node application with express on how to serve files and deal with routing.

Portfolio theme found at - http://blacktie.co/2014/05/instant-personal-portfolio-theme/


Make sure you have Node.js on your machine. If you don't, please install it. You can install it via a package manager here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/

Clone this repository to your local machine.

Navigate via your favorite cli (command line interface) to the folder this repo is cloned to.

First you need to install your node modules by running the command npm i.

Once those are downloded, you can then run the application by typing node app.js and hitting enter.

You will then be able to visit this site locally at http://localhost:3000


A live version of the site can be viewed at http://nodefolio.azurewebsites.net