
some great animations all achieved by AnimateVectorDrawable, without any code!

Primary LanguageJava

Animations achieved by AnimateVectorDrawable

  1. animated_done

  2. animate_face inspired by First look at AnimatedVectorDrawable

  3. animate_clock inspired by First look at AnimatedVectorDrawable

  4. animate_cup inspired from here

  5. animate_loading_circle inspired from here

  6. anim_loading_point inspired from here

  7. animate_vector_pendulum_point inspired from here

  8. animate_vector_apple_loading

Usage about PathData of VectorDrawable

  1. 理解Android VectorDrawable中的pathData命令【续】
  2. 【译】理解Android VectorDrawable中的pathData命令


Animation of Gif5 and Gif6 realized by Animation-Set Which had some bugs for animation repeat Details. So Gif5 and Gif6 cannot be repeat automatically.