
Users blog and it is placed onto the blockchain where they can upvote and comment on blogs.

Primary LanguagePython

What This Is

For my capstone at Berea College, I and another student were paried with an Alumni to created a proof-of-concept prototype for his new blockchain start up. This involved us creating a website, database, and blockchain that would scaffold later designs.

How It Works

Currently, we are hosting a running version of this code on a Linode server. Once you have a mysql server set up, you can run create_db.py and then run app.py to start the website.

What It Does

Currently, the blockchain aspect is still under development. Most of the website, however, is functional. It allows users to sign up and also has a job board. What we are currently working on is creating blogs on the blockchain, adding new nodes to the blockchain, and allowing users to upvote blogs.