Learn to optimize matmul kernel

Tested on a V100 (max 14TFLOPS)


# we bind all kernels to pytorch interface
pip install ./matmul

# test a single kernel, e.g., v52
python test.py 52

# test all and plot
bash runall.sh
  • v0: torch.matmul, reference.
  • v1: naive matmul with 1D linear kernel.

    1D kernel is actually good at small scale.

  • v11: v1 with less blockDim.
  • v2: naive matmul with 2D kernel.
  • v21: v2 with less blockDim.
  • v3: v2 + global memory coalescing.

    only swapping the loop indices can result in 10x acceleration from v2.

  • v4: v3 + block tiling with shared memory.
  • v5: v4 + thread tiling.
  • v51: v5 + register pre-fetch.
  • v52: v51 + transpose trick.
  • v6: v52 + float4 vectorize.
  • v7: v6 + double buffering. (do...while impl)
  • v71: v6 + double buffering w/o pragma unroll. (for impl)

    without unrolling loops the speed is very slow...

  • v72: v6 + double buffering w pragma unroll. (for impl)


  • learn to use profiler
  • learn CUTLASS
  • FP16 with Tensor Cores
