
Convert rust coverage data to HTML reports, LCOV files or terminal tables

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Coverage Prepare

CI Crates.io

Convert coverage data to HTML reports, LCOV files or terminal tables.

coverage-prepare --help:

Convert "profraw" coverage data to:
* HTML reports
* terminal table reports
* LCOV files (for upload to codecov etc.)

See https://github.com/samuelcolvin/coverage-prepare/ for more information.

    coverage-prepare [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT_FORMAT> [BINARIES]...

            output format
            [possible values: html, report, lcov]

            binary files to build coverage from

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --ignore-filename-regex <IGNORE_FILENAME_REGEX>
            maps to the `--ignore-filename-regex` argument to `llvm-cov`, `\.cargo/registry` &
            `library/std` are always ignored, repeat to ignore multiple filenames

            whether to not delete the processed `.profraw` files and the generated `.profdata` file
            after generating the coverage reports, by default these files are deleted

    -o, --output-path <OUTPUT_PATH>
            Output path, defaults to `rust_coverage.lcov` for lcov output, and `htmlcov/rust` for
            html output

    -V, --version
            Print version information