This is our group project. We built a simple web server in Go that can manage to-do items. You can add, get, update, and delete items with our program.
- main.go: This file has all the code for our server and functions.
- main_test.go: This file has tests for our server's functions.
To use our project, you need to have Go installed on your computer. You can download Go from here.
- Clone the Repository
First, clone this project to your local machine using Git:
git clone
cd groupC_Assignment3
Running the Server
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Change the directory to where you have our project files.
Type “go mod init” to initiate the folder
Type 'go run main.go' to start the server.
go run main.go
Now, the server should be running on port 8012. You can use a tool like Postman to interact with it.
- Add an item: Send a POST request to /AddItem with item details.
- Get all items: Send a GET request to /GetAllItems.
- Get one item: Send a GET request to /GetOneItem/{itemID}.
- Update an item: Send a PUT request to /UpdateItem/{itemID} with new details.
- Delete an item: Send a DELETE request to /DeleteOneItem/{itemID}.
- Duplicate an item: Send a POST request to /Duplicate/{itemID} to duplicate the Item
- Rename an item: Send a PUT request to /RenameItem/{itemID} with new details.
To run the tests for our server:
- Open a terminal or command prompt.
- Change the directory to our project folder.
- Type 'go test' to run the tests.
go test
Our team worked together on this project. Here are our members:
- Ashbir - 500228410
- Jevica - 500218849
- Akash - 500218794
- Abhinav Mahajan - 500230044
- Vinay Chhabra - 500228151
- Bilal Nawaz - 500228652
- Mohamed Ayan Khatri - 500226334
- Simrandeep Singh - 500229180
- Nikhil Kaushik - 500223528
- Rajkarn kaur - 500226333
Everyone contributed by writing parts of the code and tests.