The demo uses Open Liberty to run the application.
- To run the application within Open Liberty in interactive mode use
mvn liberty:run
- To stop the application use
mvn liberty:stop
- To run the application within Open Liberty in dev mode use
mvn liberty:dev
- To run unit tests when in dev mode press Enter
This demo application shows Jakarta EE & MicroProfile features like JAX-RS, JPA, CDI, JSF, Health Check, OpenAPI UI etc.
- An example of a Java Servlet which processes an input parameter can be found here: http://localhost:9080/jakarta-ee-demo/servlet?name=test
- A JSF page is shown at: http://localhost:9080/jakarta-ee-demo
- MicroProfile Health Check: http://localhost:9080/health
- MicroProfile OpenAPI UI: http://localhost:9080/openapi/ui
- REST API endpoints offered by the application under context root can be found in the OpenAPI UI. E.g. to get a list of all person: http://localhost:9080/jakarta-ee-demo/resources/persons.
- Add unit tests
- Add integration test
- Include Primefaces: