
A .Net CryptoCurrency algotrading backtester with a .Net Core server backend and a WinForms frontend

Primary LanguageC#


This is a complete cryptocurrency backtesting platform that I developed as my final thesis project for University of West Attica.

Platform architecture

Platform architecture

Main components are:

  • .Net Core API backend
  • WinForms based frontend that communicates with the backend
  • CryptoCore: a library that is used in both the backend and the frontend to provide the same core functionality to both applications


  • C# strategy scripting
  • Script editor with C# syntax highlighting
  • Live compile-time script error checking
  • Add indicators directly to the chart
  • Market prices and candlestick data directly from Binance
  • Ability to choose any candlestick interval (5 min, 15 min, 2 hours, etc)
  • Visual representation of buys and sells on the chart

Tech used

  • CS-Script (for C# code execution)
  • DevExpress components (used on the frontend)
  • SQLite (caches candlestick data)
  • TA-Lib (technical indicators)
  • FastColoredTextBox (script editor component)
  • RestSharp (HTTP requests to communicate with the backend)
  • Newtonsoft Json (json parser)


To compile and run, after restoring all packages from nuget, set default Binance API Key and Secret in CryptoCore.Classes.Globals.DEFAULT_BINANCE_KEY and CryptoCore.Classes.Globals.DEFAULT_BINANCE_SECRET.

Default user login is:

User: admin

Pass: 123

First you run CryptoAPI server (the easiest way is dotnet CryptoAPI.dll) and afterwards you run CryptoFront.exe, which is the frontend.


.Net Core API server (Backend)

.Net Core API server

CryptoFront (Frontend)


Sample partial C# Strategy

Sample C# Strategy

Indicator Editor

Indicator Editor

Chart with a SMA and Bollinger Band indicators

Chart with technical indicators

Strategy Options

Strategy Options

Chart after backtesting of a strategy

Chart after backtest

Backtest results

Backtest result