This is a simple "Articles CMS" example of a .Net Core application written in a CQRS manner.
It provides a REST API to an EntityFramework-backed article model.
The application uses MediatR, it's a .Net mediator pattern implementation by Jimmy Bogard.
Project folders contain it's own README files, you can check them to get more details about some project parts.
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml -f .\docker-compose.override.yml up sqldata articles-api
By default API available at http://localhost:5102/
After run you can use SwaggerUI which accessible at http://localhost:5102/swagger/index.html
to make some test queries.
❗️ To access POST/PUT/UPDATE methods you need to authorize in the application. You can use the command below with default user credentials:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:5102/api/v1/Users/authenticate" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"username\":\"test\",\"password\":\"test\"}"
Edit the .env
to change default app configuration.
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.tests.yml -f .\docker-compose.tests.override.yml up sqldata-test articles-api-test
✅ Headless (no UI) CMS for managing articles (CRUD).
- create article
- delete article
- get an article by id
- get articles (ascending or descending order + basic limit and offset parameters)
- update article title and body
- simple offset/limit/sorting implementation;
✅ SwaggerUI for testing
✅ Each article has its ID, title, body, and timestamps (on creation and update):
- Title: from 1 to 100 symbols length
- Body: up to 500 symbols length
- Article created date and time
- Article updating date and time
✅ Creating/updating/deleting data is possible only if a secret token is provided.
- App has basic auth implementation, just provide a username and password to use POST/PUT/UPDATE methods. GET methods are accessible without auth.
- Default user/password can be set USER_SERVICE_USERNAME and USER_SERVICE_PASSWORD env variables in .env configuration file.
- By default USER_SERVICE_USERNAME set to 'test' and USER_SERVICE_PASSWORD set to 'test'.
- If USER_SERVICE_USERNAME and USER_SERVICE_PASSWORD are not provided, the username set to 'test ' and password set to 'test'
✅ The whole client-server communication works in a JSON format and can be extended with other formats (eg. XML).
- Add offset/pagination implementation. The response should contain total page count, current page, display limit, and sort order parameters
- Add JSON/XML switcher to docker-compose configuration file