
Bot that will start posting on relevant places on internet to attract traffic leveraging back linking.

Primary LanguagePython

What ?

Trafficx is a nasty bot that will try posting on relevant places on internet to attract traffic leveraging backlinking.

Why ?

we want to make people aware of some topic/news/brand etc

How ?

  • will leverage reddit api and post stuff on subreddits
  • will search around other communities like quora, qa forum etc and post on relevant places/posts


  • get python 3.7+, use pyenv if you want to install python
  • create virtual env virtualenv env, activate it source env/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • CLIENT_ID=<reddit app id> CLIENT_SECRET=<reddit app secret> PASSWORD=<you reddit password> USER_AGENT=<put anything here> USERNAME=<your reddit username here> python main.py and bob is your uncle.