Unreal engine plugin for managing all unused assets and empty folders in project.
- 4
Cause Android pack corrupted
#57 opened by BoredBean - 13
It's all empty, but my project actually has 24g
#52 opened by Junt62 - 1
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 0
- 3
- 1
Add support for scanning and cleaning up plugins
#47 opened by Kidbull - 2
Out of memory: Tries to allocate unrealistic amount of memory on analyzis request
#46 opened by flotsamarch - 0
scan method optimizations
#44 opened by ashe23 - 0
- 3
update plugin for engine v5.1
#43 opened by ashe23 - 1
Bug with Utility Widget
#42 opened by AngelAvellaneda - 2
UE 5.0.3 support
#40 opened by Ha1uk - 0
- 8
Linux Support
#38 opened by ahrbe1 - 0
add save settings option for cleaner configs
#37 opened by ashe23 - 0
Update docs for ue5
#36 opened by ashe23 - 0
Unreal engine 5 support
#34 opened by ashe23 - 12
Hide folders with no unused assets from tree view
#24 opened by Zeblote - 0
- 2
UE5 Preview Problem
#33 opened by NequZ - 2
Crash too long filename
#32 opened by imtrobin - 5
Feature, Export unused files to blacklist txt
#29 opened by imtrobin - 0
Add ScanDeveloperOptions in CLI and API
#31 opened by ashe23 - 1
Expose ProjectCleaner API to Blueprints
#30 opened by ashe23 - 1
- 3
"Failed to delete some assets"
#28 opened by MarioMarietto - 6
- 0
Add version for UE5 ea
#23 opened by ashe23 - 0
Add version for 4.27
#21 opened by ashe23 - 1
Tree view for Unused Assets tab
#18 opened by Zeblote - 4
- 0
Add CommandLine Interface for plugin
#20 opened by ashe23 - 1
Add Filter By Asset Class.
#13 opened by ashe23 - 3
some assets still deleted from excluded folder
#12 opened by laggyluk - 0
Asset Browsers must automatically set "Show Developer Contents" checkbox if user picked it from settings.
#16 opened by ashe23 - 0
Add ChunkSize to UI.
#17 opened by ashe23 - 0
- 0
- 1
Add ability to exclude assets from deletion list
#11 opened by ashe23 - 1
Add asset picker class option
#6 opened by ashe23 - 1
Plugin Button not showing, if user picks "Use small toolbar icons" from engine preferences.
#10 opened by ashe23 - 1
- 1
- 1
On some projects in rare cases, plugin cause to loop infinitely , if it cant delete assets.
#4 opened by ashe23 - 1
Megascans plugin installed, causing plugin to infinitely work , without deleting assets. This happens when project using assets outside "/Game" folder.
#9 opened by ashe23 - 0
- 1