Hydrogen template: Skeleton

Hydrogen is Shopify’s stack for headless commerce. Hydrogen is designed to dovetail with Remix, Shopify’s full stack web framework. This template contains a minimal setup of components, queries and tooling to get started with Hydrogen.

Deploy to Netlify

What's included

  • Remix 2
  • Hydrogen
  • Shopify CLI
  • Configured deployment to Netlify, with Server-Side Rendering (SSR) via Netlify Edge Functions
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • GraphQL generator
  • TypeScript and JavaScript flavors
  • Minimal setup of components and routes

Getting started

We highly recommend using this template to deploy a Hydrogen site to Netlify.


  • Node.js version 18.0.0 or higher
  • Netlify CLI 17.0.0 or higher
npm install -g netlify-cli@latest

Deploy to Netlify

To create a new project, either click the "Deploy to Netlify" button above, or run the following command:

npm create @shopify/hydrogen@latest -- --template https://github.com/netlify/hydrogen-template

Then follow the instructions in .env.example and you're ready to start developing.

Local development

npm run dev

Building for production

npm run build

FAQ and Troubleshooting

How do I configure my Hydrogen session / storefront client / customer account client / cart handler?

See app/lib/context.ts and the Hydrogen documentation.

How do I augment the Remix context?

Add your custom context to the object returned by the createAppLoadContext function in app/lib/context.ts and ensure the return type is updated (e.g. HydrogenContext & {foo: string}).

How do I configure a real Shopify store in local dev?

See .env.example and these Shopify instructions.

I get a 500 error on the /accounts pages. How do I configure real Shopify customer accounts in local dev?

See these Shopify instructions.

Static assets not loading in local dev

If your .js and .css files are failing to load in local development (with 404 responses), you may be running into an issue that occurs when netlify dev is run after having run a build (via netlify build, netlify serve, npm run build, or remix vite:build). This is a known issue that Netlify is working on.

To fix this, delete the conflicting built functions before running your dev server:

rm -rf .netlify/edge-functions*
npm run dev

shopify hydrogen preview fails with Cannot find module '@shopify/mini-oxygen'

The shopify hydrogen preview command has a misleading name. It previews your site in a local simulation of the Oxygen hosting platform. It therefore isn't compatible with a site intended to be deployed to Netlify.

Instead, use the Netlify CLI (e.g. netlify serve).