SQS S3 Kafka produser

Triggered by SQS topic, getting s3 key from message, read file from s3 bucket and create new message in Kafka topic for each line from logs.



For build run:

  go get -d -t .
  go build

The resulting binary - sqs-s3-kafka


sqs-s3-kafka takes the following commandline parameters:

  • --aws-access-key=STRING: AWS access key
  • --aws-secret-key=STRING: AWS secret key
  • --aws-profile=STRING: AWS profile
  • --aws-region=STRING: AWS region
  • --aws-read-config: read AWS configuration from ~/.aws/config
  • --sqs-query-name=STRING: SQS queue name for incomming messages
  • --kafka-topic=STRING: Kafka topic for outgoing messages
  • --kafka-brokers=STRING: list of Kafka brokers used for bootstrapping
  • --aws-s3-bucket=STRING: s3 bucket for getting log file

sqs-query-name, kafka-brokers, kafka-topic and aws-s3-bucket are required. Parameters may set via environment variables as well

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS access key
  • AWS_PROFILE: AWS profile
  • AWS_REGION: AWS region
  • S3_BUCKET: s3 bucket for getting log file
  • SQS_QUEUE_NAME: SQS queue name for incomming messages
  • KAFKA_BROKERS: list of Kafka brokers used for bootstrapping
  • KAFKA_TOPIC: Kafka topic for outgoing messages
  • AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG: if set to 1 read AWS configuration from ~/.aws/config

When both are specified, commandline parameters take precedence over environment variables.


docker run -P sqs-s3-kafka <additional commandline arguments>