Official implementation of ICML paper Imitating Latent Policies from Observation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Imitating Latent Policies from Observation (ILPO) [Paper]

Ashley D. Edwards, Himanshu Sahni, Yannick Schroecker, Charles L. Isbell
Georgia Institute of Technology


We describe a novel approach to imitation learning that infers latent policies directly from state observations. We introduce a method that characterizes the causal effects of unknown actions on observations while simultaneously predicting their likelihood. We then outline an action alignment procedure that leverages a small amount of environment interactions to determine a mapping between latent and real-world actions. We show that this corrected labeling can be used for imitating the observed behavior, even though no expert actions are given. We evaluate our approach within classic control and photo-realistic visual environments and demonstrate that it performs well when compared to standard approaches.

If you use any of the code here in your own work, you may cite:

  title={Imitating Latent Policies from Observation},
  author={Edwards, Ashley D and Sahni, Himanshu and Schroecker, Yannick and Isbell, Charles L},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.07914},

Getting started

This is the official ICML implementation of the work Imitating Latent Policies from Observation. This approach aims to learn policies directly from state observations by utilizing two key components 1) a Latent Policy Network (LPN) that utilizes a multimodal forward dynamics network to learn priors over latent actions and 2) an Action Remapping Network (ARN) that leverages environment interactions to map the latent actions to real ones, as summarized in Figure 1.

Note: This is research code and we not currently plan to maintain it.


This implementation has been tested with Python 3.5 on OS X High Sierra and Ubuntu 14.04.

# 1) Clone repository 
git clone https://github.com/ashedwards/ILPO.git

# 2) Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have trouble installing baselines on OS X, try running the following commands:

brew install mpich
pip install mpi4py

Collecting expert data

ILPO uses expert state observations to learn latent policies. We used OpenAI Baselines to obtain these trajectories. Collecting the data consists of two steps: 1) training the expert and 2) running the learned policy and saving the observed state trajectories to disk. Let's walk through how to collect data for cartpole.

# 1) Train expert
python train_expert/train_cartpole.py

# 2) Collect state trajectories 
python train_expert/enjoy_cartpole.py

Once done running, the expert policy from step 1 is written to final_models/cartpole.pkl. Then, step 2 loads and runs the policy and saves the observed states to final_models/acrobot/cartpole.txt.

The code for collecting data can be found in train_expert.

All data for cartpole and acrobot is already saved in final_models.

Training ILPO

After collecting the expert state observations, you can then train ILPO. Check out the scripts directory to view all of the training scripts. Let's again see how to run cartpole:

# 1) Train latent policy network

# 2) Train action remapping network

The first step learns the latent policy network. You'll notice a few necessary arguments in the script:

--mode whether training or testing. This should always be train for training LPN
--input_dir location of state trajectories 
--n_actions number of latent actions being learned
--batch_size the batch size
--output_dir where model and checkpoints are saved 
--max_epochs max training epochs 

You can view the results in "output_dir", in this case, "cartpole_ilpo", in tensorboard:

# 1) View results
tensorboard --logdir cartpole_ilpo

The second step learns the action remapping network after loading in the LPN model from "output_dir". Let's look at the arguments from the training script:

--mode whether training or testing. This should always be test for training ARN
--n_actions number of latent actions being learned
--real_actions number of real actions 
--batch_size the batch size
--checkpoint where the LPN model is saved 
--env the agent's environment
--exp_dir where to save experiments
--max_epochs max training epochs 
--n_dims the observation space of the agent

We differentiate latent from real actions in case we want to learn more latent causes than actions. This would allow the network to learn difficult transitions such as bumping into walls.

The experiments are saved into the directory specified in "exp_dir". Each experiment is saved as a .csv file. You can plot these results using the results/plot_results.py script:

# 1) Plot results
python results/plot_results.py

Note that this expects 100 experiments to have been saved as csv files, and this is currently hard-coded in. You'll also need to modify the file names if you run something other than cartpole.

If you are using a virtual_env, you may need to install matplotlib with conda:

conda install matplotlib

Running Behavioral Cloning

We compared against behavioral cloning in or work. Here are the steps for cartpole:

# 1) Train latent policy network

# 2) Evaluate learned policy

Running your own data and architectures

We have two different data representations in this code, one for states that are represented through vectors (like cartpole), which can be found in models/vector_ilpo.py, and one for images (like CoinRun), found in models/image_ilpo.py.

Using your own vector data

The vector representation expects trajectories to be in a text file of the form:

[state] [next_state]

Each line in the file represents an observation. This demonstration must be in a folder that consists only of demonstrations of this form, as all of the contents of the directory will be parsed. See final_models for examples.

Once done, you can just copy one of the scripts and modify it to use your own directory and arguments.

Using your own image data

The image representation expects trajectories to be in an image file of the form:


where [A] is an image of the state and [B] is an image of the next state. These images are concatenated together side by side to form a single image. This demonstration must also be in a folder that consists only of demonstrations of this form.

This representation was borrowed from the pix2pix implementation. So you could also try out the datasets from that code. While those are not RL demonstrations, LPN could potentially be used for learning multimodal outputs from static datasets.

Using different data representations

You may also use your own data representation. In this case, you will need to modify the load_examples method in models/vector_ilpo.py or models/image_ilpo.py, or create your own class entirely.

Creating your own architecture

ILPO is not tied to one single architecture. Cartpole, for example, uses fully-connected layer to define the LPN, while image data uses convnets. You can use the ones already defined for vectors or images in models/vector_ilpo.py and models/image_ilpo.py, respectively, or you can create your own by inheriting from models/ilpo.py. You will need to implement the following methods:

create_encoder creates an encoding of the state

create_generator creates a generator for making next state predictions

train_examples trains the model

process_inputs processes the inputs used for the ILPO policy

You will also need to create custom scripts for running the policies. You can simply clone models/vector_policy.py or models/image_policy.py if you're using images, and modify the Policy class to inherit from your custom class.