
bare-bones effectiveness

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


Fork of: https://gitlab.com/nilenso/dotemacs


Get Emacs


Install vanilla Emacs as a Mac app from http://emacsformacosx.com. Other options, like Aquamacs, are supposed to make Emacs more “Mac-like,” but they’re problematic in the long run because they’re set up so differently from standard Emacs that it’s difficult to use the Emacs manual or follow along with tutorials.


Follow the instructions at https://launchpad.net/~cassou/+archive/emacs.


You can find a binary at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/. After you download and unzip the latest version, you can run the Emacs executable under bin\runemacs.exe.

Setup Configuration

git clone https://gitlab.com/nilenso/dotemacs ~/.emacs.d

Open emacs and you're good to go. Happy Hacking!

Packages Used

  • use-package => Package Manager
  • exec-path-from-shell => Sets up your path and environment variables from your shell's configuration (.bashprofile, .zshenv, ...)
  • company => The autocompletion engine
  • cider => Connecting a Clojure buffer to a REPL
  • clojure-mode-extra-font-locking => Better syntax highlighting for Clojure code
  • aggressive-indent => Indenting code as you type
  • paredit => Treats s-expressions as blocks for easier navigation/editing
  • rainbow-delimiters => Sets the same color for matching parentheses. Icing on the cake :)
  • smex => M-x enhancement
  • projectile => Project interaction - finding files / grepping through projects etc.
  • magit => Git inside emacs
  • go-mode => Major mode for Golang - syntax highlighting / gofmt etc.
  • gotest => Run Golang tests from within emacs
  • undo-tree => Visualize or walk undo/redo trees
  • flycheck => Syntax checking for tons of languages
  • monokai => Dark and fruity color theme
  • spaceline => Better Modeline - the popular spacemacs powerline in regular emacs (theme)
  • neotree => Side-pane file browser - NerdTree (ViM) like file browser with icons

Recommended side-installs